Over the past weekend, we spent four nights at Great Keppel Island. After a year of no travel, it was pretty exciting to pull out the suitcases and get organised for a little getaway, even one so close to home.

We can actually see Great Keppel Island, or GKI as it’s known by locals, from our beach. To get there, we just have to drive a few minutes to the local marina and catch a 30-minute ferry across.

GKI has 17 beaches connected by numerous hiking trails through the bush. The beaches all have white sand and gorgeous aqua and turquoise waters.

We spent our first day there just relaxing, taking in the beautiful views near our rooms.

And then taking in the sunset over dinner.

It is such a treat to see sunsets like these when you live on the east coast.

In the morning, I went for an early morning walk and found a swing in the trees on the beach.

Later that morning, we packed up some gear and a lunch and went for a hike to the other side of the island.

Once we were good and sweaty from our hike, we decided to cool off with some snorkeling at Monkey Beach. I just love the large clams we always see snorkeling. There are so many different, beautiful colours, and when you hover over them, they will slowly close. The turtle we saw was a big as Rob. It’s such a privilege to be so close to such incredible creatures!

After cooling off in the sea, we were ready for some G-man salad. Cheers Gary!! xo

On Day 3 of our trip, we decided to be lazy and just relax by the beach. This one is called Putney’s Beach.

During the few days of our trip, we were experiencing King Tides in our area which resulted in super low tides. You could walk forever and still not even be to your knees in water. It was incredible.

After a day at the beach, we enjoyed a little champagne watching the sunset at the beach.

On Day 4, we decided to try another new beach and hiked across to Leeke’s Beach, the longest beach on the island. On our way there, we saw this little guy.

And we even had a tour guide. Bundy led the way and stuck with us the whole afternoon. It turns out he belongs to one of the staff on the island. He was such a sweet dog.

We tried some more snorkeling but the low tides had stirred up the bottom too much so there wasn’t much to see.

On our walk back, the storm clouds started to roll in and we got some pretty serious rain at the end of the afternoon. But Rob was determined to still make it to Happy Hour. Even with an umbrella, we managed to get pretty wet!

Even with that bit of rain, we had a wonderful few days away. Just those few days felt like two weeks! We are so fortunate to live so close to such a beautiful spot!