A Weekend at GKI

This past weekend was a long weekend for us in Queensland – Monday was the Queen’s birthday. Unlike Canada, the Queen’s birthday is celebrated at different times in different states. And to make it even trickier, none of the queens are named, so I actually have no idea who we were celebrating on Monday. But thank you Queen X for a great excuse to get away for the weekend.

Only a 30-minute ferry ride off the coast of our little town, is gorgeous Great Keppel Island. We’ve done two different day trips there in the past but we’ve never stayed overnight before. It was nice to explore a little more of the island and just relax. 

The beach just a few steps away from our room

We also enjoyed a full day hike on Saturday. The hike was hot, but filled with beautiful views…

The view from one of the lookouts


And even an echidna! The echnida is one of only two egg-laying mammals in the world (the other can also be seen in Australian mammal – the platypus). 

The trails are not very well marked but fortunately someone thought to paint some clues to help us find our way back.

And of course, after a long hike, nothing tastes better than a gin while watching the sunset…

Just a little windy!

While looking across at the hills where our new home sits.

2 thoughts on “A Weekend at GKI

  1. What a great long weekend for you guys! Sorry that we missed Keppel when we were there. Oh well, next time! You guys look great! Miss and Love you both!

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