Easter Eats

Everyone’s been asking what kind of meals Rob cooks here so I decided to do a whole blog focused on food. And what better time than a long weekend!

We get four whole days here for Easter. We had hoped to spend some time at the beach and just embrace a little downtime by the pool but, unfortunately, Cyclone Iris had other plans for us. It’s been circling around a little north of us for 5 or 6 days now making things here pretty windy and wet. So instead of our glorious long weekend, I spent most of the days working and Rob spent his trying to do some digging and yard work in areas where there weren’t puddles. But we still had plenty of holiday treats!


Here’s a pic of where the cyclone is in relation to us.

When we still lived in Canada, Easter was the only holiday we were actually home for, and so it was the only holiday where we participated in the regular traditions. Our traditions always started on Good Friday with a prime rib dinner…Heathen Friday as we came to call it. Since we couldn’t possibly re-create the family fun and fabulous food that goes with that tradition, Rob decided to do a seafood extravaganza for us this year. I think we were sweating garlic for days but it was amazing!!

The yummy food continued on Saturday when we headed to friends’ house for a BBQ with a beer can chicken and homemade macarons. Of course we forgot to take pics but it was fun night with lots of drinks and laughs to go along with the great food.

On Sunday morning, I woke up to this wonderful surprise. Thank you Easter Bunny.

The Easter bunny forgot poor Rob even though he put out his special bunny head (I blamed you for forgetting Erin!)

I then got to try my first pickled egg. Rob prepped these earlier in the week and I wasn’t sure it would be my thing, but now I’m not sure why I’ve never tried one before!

For dinner, we had friends here for another food fest. Rob bought a smoker a few weeks ago so he smoked some beef and lamb, and I made some Caesar salad and pierogi casserole (yes, I still cook every once and awhile!).



Getting it all ready to go
The master carver


I even made a drumstick cake for dessert. How I’ve missed peanut butter chocolate treats since moving here!


Rob’s screens saved the night. We were able to spend the whole evening on our deck even with the blowing rains.

Our patio with the screens up


And with the screens down

We finished off the weekend with eggs and bruschetta and this gorgeous sunset (which would have made for a stunning photo if my camera had actually been charged!). So even though we’ve had a lot a rain these past few days, it’s still warm out and we still get glimpses of sun which result in some beautifully eerie nighttime skies.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!


6 thoughts on “Easter Eats

  1. um, you kind of put a big headline out there and then didn’t even mention it! Great white shark stalks water police????? The good looks fantastic and so amazing that you aren’t the head chef anymore. Well done Rob.

    1. Lol! I wanted to see if anyone would notice. And yes, it’s glorious not being the head chef anymore!! I’m loving it!

  2. Happy Easter! Pretty sure that with Rob in charge no one will ever miss out on a tasty meal! I got Paul a smoker last year for Christmas and he has done some wonderful things with it. I think my favourite so far is smoked pork chops. Barb, I’m so glad you decided to finally try pickled eggs! All those missed opportunities from the days when my Mom made them by the dozens, She would make 4 dozen for Christmas Eve and the same for our Labour Day weekend BBQ. I used to think that was far too many but the boys always ate them up. Being English she would always use diluted malt vinegar. It seems that the Aussies retain a lot of Brit traditions. I make perogie casserole every Christmas and usually again in the summer, always think of the Schoonings when I make it! Janet xXx

    1. So true about the food with Rob in charge! And he’s always willing to make me a drink to go with. It’s fabulous (even though my clothes are protesting a little!). We’ll have to try the pork chops next. They have some incredible pork chops here so I bet they’d be amazing smoked! I can’t believe I missed out on your mom’s eggs. I love malt vinegar too but not sure I’ll get Rob to try making them that way. Funny you think of the Schoonings when you make that casserole. Did I give you the recipe?? Think of you guys often!! xoxo

  3. Gotta love a man who can cook and sounds like he’s become more and more adventurous over the year or should I say more than his brothers (curry yum), look forward to some of his cooking when we finally come down for a visit

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