From Central Queensland to Canada to Colorado

I decided to roll this blog post all into one so it’s a bit longer than normal. Hopefully all the pictures will keep you going!


Usually when mid-December hits, we are getting on a plane to spend three wonderful weeks in Trinidad and Tobago and celebrate a quiet Christmas in the tropics (with a little Johnson and Chen chaos thrown in the mix!). It sure felt strange this year to break that tradition and instead prepare to celebrate Christmas the way we used to – with family, friends, a whole lot of food and drinks, and some cold and snow! And my suitcase sure looked a lot different too!

Yuck…winter clothes!

I will admit I had some mixed feelings about heading back to Canada so soon after moving here. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up with all of our amazing family and friends, but I was feeling so settled here, that I part of me was worried that this trip might upset the balance. The process of starting a whole ‘new’ life is all consuming so we really hadn’t had the chance to feel homesick so I think I was concerned that this trip might spark that. In the end, the average -15 temps just made us long to be back here in the tropics.


Adjusting to the cold was a strange experience. I’m actually embarrassed by how much I whined (or whinged as Australians would say!) about the cold while I was there. I guess those months of fall where the temperature shifts really helps prepare you. Either that, or our bodies are already fully adjusted to tropical living. I think it took me an entire week to feel warm. And worse that that, I was super itchy and felt like I was getting sick the entire time I was there. Within a few hours of arriving home in Australia, it all disappeared so it was definitely something to do with being indoors all that time. In addition to noticing changes in how we felt, Rob and I also noticed how bright it is at night there, even with the shades down. It is so incredibly dark here Yeppoon at night that it’s difficult to see anything in the house when the lights are off so it was strange to be able to see so clearly at night there.


Our time in Canada was super busy, but fun. We were able to see almost everyone we were hoping to, even if it was just a short visit!  We were lucky enough to get a few days though with this guy…


And in the midst of the chaos, we managed a date night at Casa Mia, our favourite restaurant.

For the first time in 8 or more years, we had Christmas dinner with our families. I tried to remember to take pictures through, but ended up forgetting most of time and didn’t get a single picture of our day with Rob’s family or Boxing Day with the Schoonings. I was just enjoying the catching up I guess (or the drinks!).

My lovely parents


My sister and her girls
My little nephew sure loved his kangaroo! Lukas loved his koala too but I missed out on that pic
Rob just loves having his picture taken!

We did get a picture though of this wonderful girl celebrating her 17th birthday. Thanks so much for including us Zoe!

New Years’ Eve was spent with a few of our closest friends…the Manders and Colavecchias…with lots of great conversation, sing-alongs with the guitar (Thank you Andy, Nathan and Kassie!) and an epic nerf gun battle (all thanks to Jeremy!). Not surprisingly, Jeremy and Rob outlasted the kids and took turns bribing them to collect ‘bullets’ for them while they continued to duck behind walls, doors and the bar and run around the rec room.

One of the only clear pictures…hard to get a good shot when they’re on the move!

I have always said that Niagara Falls is prettiest in winter, so even though it was bitterly cold, I had Rob drop me off there on our last day in Canada so I could go for a walk (a very quick one!) and take some pictures. It was stunning!


So cold!! But it was worth it!

I love when the ice forms on the tree branches and light posts!


Don’t let the blue skies fool you…this was one of only two or three days we say blue in the sky while in Canada.

And even though it was only early January, there was plenty of ice forming on the edges of the cliffs and filling the river below, something that rarely happens!

We even got treated to a view of the Falls at night during dinner with Rob’s brother and his family (Thank you Steve, Erin, Amber and Chloe!).

Early in the New Year, we headed off to Denver and Vail for the Brain Injury Summit where I would be giving two presentations on my research. On the trip there, I was lucky enough to be next to window on the flight in and saw this lovely sunset over the mountains.

On our first day in Denver, I was scheduled to attend a talk and tour at Craig Hospital, an absolutely amazing rehab facility for people with traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. While I was working, one of the friends we were staying with took Rob to see Red Rocks, an outdoor amphitheatre just outside of town. Rob and I have always wanted to see a concert there so he was pretty excited that it was open to the public.


We spent the rest of our time in Denver enjoying drinks and fabulous food.

Staying warm by the fire with outdoor pre-dinner drinks with Andy

It’s a great walkable city with lots of amazing restaurants and plenty to do, including a cool transportation museum.

It took them 12 years (or maybe longer??) to move this train when they relocated the museum from one part of the city to another. It’s a full sized train that takes the entire length of the museum. Very cool!


Just for you T!

We even got to enjoy some jazz!

And take in some Christmas lights along the way.

And this pretty cool view from Michael and Andy’s upstairs deck.


Rob was sitting on the terrace on the top right.

After two days in Denver, we were off to Vail for the conference. I have only attended this conference once before and said at the time it was the best I’d ever attended, and once again, Craig Hospital sponsored an incredible event. They even organised having each of us map our impact in the world of brain injury on large scale brain. Hard to explain, but it was a cool exercise that really showed the diversity and similarity across the various professionals present.

Each colour string represents a different profession and connects to areas of the brain associated with particular skills (e.g., balance, vision, emotion, etc.)

The conference was super busy so Michael and I were tied up most of the time we were in Vail. But that didn’t stop Rob and Andy from enjoying the day (and sending me pictures so I knew what I was missing!).

Fortunately, I had one afternoon off to enjoy this incredible view from our hotel room and a glass of wine in the warm sun on our patio.

A little less sunny, but a gorgeous view!


And unlucky for Rob, I was free to go bowling J Something I hadn’t done in forever. So fun!


The back wall was filled with large screen TVs so you could watch the football game and bowl all at the same time.

And then just like that, it was time to head back home to Australia.

Thank you Michael and Andy for being such amazing hosts!! And for racing with my luggage to catch the train…we almost made it!!


View from the plane as I was coming in to Brisbane. Almost home!

Home at last!

The pool felt amazing after my long trip home!

Thank you Cory for letting us take over your home for so many weeks, and to all of our family and friends who made time for us during such a busy month and hosted us for fabulous dinners and company. We are truly blessed to be so loved! xo

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