Giving Thanks

We haven’t done very well at writing regular blogs this year.  I just haven’t felt like we’ve had much to share since we haven’t really been venturing out from the house much. However, with Canadian Thanksgiving last weekend, I’ve realised that even though life isn’t necessarily exciting these days, we are both still so grateful for the life we are living. So even though Australia doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, I thought this would be a good opportunity to share a a few things we’re thankful for.

Friends and Family

If we were still living in Canada, we would have spent last weekend camping, drinking and staying warm by a fire with some of our most favourite people. Even though we are living life on the opposite side of the world, they made sure we knew they were thinking of us through poolside Wattsapp chats and of course some pics.

Our blow up turkey even made the family pic!
This pic must have been taken early in the night…before the rye and cokes!

We are thankful for technology that allows us to feel not so far away and lets us stay connected with family and friends. Thank you to everyone who continues to send us little hellos and updates.


Our days aren’t as varied and as exciting as they once were, but we are both still embracing the peacefulness of life here. I still smile every time the kookaburras sing in the trees in the backyard and stop to enjoy their beauty when they decide to rest on our pool fence.

I also love all of our tropical plants. They bring back so many memories of Trinidad and Tobago!

Fresh Fruit, Veggies and Herbs

Our tropical weather also means that we can grow plants we never dreamed of. I am hoping we will be enjoying these mangoes in Margaritas by Christmas!

And gin and tonics with all of our fresh limes.

Rob has become quite the gardener since moving here. This is the ‘orchard’ he’s created behind our house, along with his own planting centre.

He even grew that little palm in front from seed.

And check out these tomato plants – they’re taller than me!

And the basil goes up to my waist. Thank you sunshine!

Sunshine and Blue Skies

We are always thankful for the endless summer weather here.  Every weekend continues to feel like a holiday and we make the most of it by walking to the beach regularly and of course, relaxing by the pool.

The hotter the better says Rob!
I love to relax with a book and some wine by the pool as the sun is setting. So peaceful!

Homecooked Meals

(And the amazing guy who cooks them!)

Rob has also become an incredible chef during our time here and spoils me with gorgeous food on a regular basis.

The chef at work
Thanksgiving dinner straight from the smoker.

Rockhampton is the beef capital of Australia and even I have grown to really enjoy beef.

And of course, there is always fresh fish and seafood at hand.

Rob makes fish weekly which shows just how incredible the fish is here.

Good Wine

Rob is loving how cheap and easy it is to get good wine here in Australia and has become a big fan of wine clubs. But every once and while, he’ll head out and pick up something different. For Thanksgiving weekend, he spoiled us with some Burgandy from France…a vintage bottle even!

Our Beautiful Home

I feel thankful each time I look out at our beautiful view, day or evening.

Thank you for reading! We hope everyone is keeping well and staying happy. xo

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