Saying Goodbye

Sharing our news was family was difficult. It’s a strange feeling sharing news that is positive and exciting for you, but more difficult for others. There were certainly some tears, but our families were incredibly supportive. I know there were mixed feelings though, and I’m sure the saying goodbye part was pretty difficult for them. I remember when my niece, Tristyn, was leaving for Japan. My goodness, was it difficult to imagine her leaving us for an entire year! So I can imagine what it must have been like for our families to see us off, especially since we weren’t just heading off for a year.

The love that was shown us in the weeks and days leading up to our departure was overwhelming! My gorgeous friend Tracy hosted a wonderful evening, inviting all the amazing women in my life; women who have truly inspired me over the past 15 years. It meant so much to me to be able to spend time with them all.

About a week before leaving, we threw one last party in our backyard. We spent the day surrounded by family and friends who all hold a special place in our hearts and lives; all people who  have helped to shape the people we have become. In leading up to that party and our  final days in Canada, I thought it was going to be a huge struggle for me to hold it all together, but I actually managed well. I think by the time it rolled around, I was ready to go. We were both ready just to get here and get going with this new life we’re building. I think it was all just a little surreal too. It was hard to imagine what it would feel like to be so far from family and not share in all the parties, dinners, drinks, camping, etc. that were such a big part of our lives. Fortunately, the world has become a much smaller place with all the different forms of social media so while we know we won’t be able to attend all those special functions, we can still feel connected with what everyone is doing.


Here are just a few pics from some of those last days in Canada. x

The Schoonings
The nieces and nephews…all grown up


Our sweet cousin Zoe
My lovely girls

2 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye

  1. I had similar feelings deciding to take a job in Alberta. It was a hard decision to remain away from my family and friends for another couple years but the opportunity was too good to turn down . Bitter sweet for sure but I’m deciding to focus on the positive and learn as much as I can 🙂

    1. I’m sure you will get so much out of these next few years! So happy you found a great job and I’m looking forward to hearing more of your adventures too!

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