As our family and friends celebrate their last official weekend of summer with the Labour Day long weekend, we said goodbye to winter and celebrated the first day of spring. Wait, what?? (as our friend Kate would say!)

So what does spring mean for life in Yeppoon? Basically more clear blue skies with slightly warmer evenings than winter. This is what our first day of spring looked like…

It’s no wonder Queensland’s slogan is ‘Where it’s beautiful one day and perfect the next’.
And not to be outdone by Gary’s long weekend celebrations, Rob made sure to grill a gorgeous dinner

Followed by a perfect bonfire

Spring in Queensland is prime whale watching season. From June to November, humpback whales travel north from Antarctica to Queensland’s warmer waters to have their calves. Earlier in the week we took advantage of living where we do and went whale watching off the coast of Yeppoon. This mother and her calf put on quite a show for us…

Though absolutely nothing to do with spring, we also participated in another Australian first this week…Pub Choir. Pub Choir was started in Brisbane by three young women who decided everyone should have the experience of singing and enjoying music. It’s a huge thing here in Australia and the Brisbane events sell out in seconds with each event hosting thousands of people. This week, the girls came to Rockhampton as part of a regional tour so we went with some friends to check it out.

So what is Pub Choir? It’s kind of hard to describe, but basically, they take a song and create their own arrangement of it that includes a three part harmony. They split the audience up into three sections and then in 90 minutes, they teach you the song and then film it. There were about 500 people at the event we were at in Rockhampton and it’s pretty cool how well it all comes together.

Our final film hasn’t been produced yet but if you have Facebook, you can check out this video the manager of the bar made.