Keeping Busy

I have been amazed by how much there is to do here. For such a small place, there seems to always be something going on in the community. Before moving here, somebody told me that if you really want to immerse yourself in your new environment, never say so to things. It was great advice! So we’ve been staying pretty busy here on weekends, going to dinner at friends’ places, and going to various events.

Our second weekend here, there was a music festival along the edge of the beach in Yeppoon. We have both always loved live music so we headed down mid-day Saturday and stayed right through the evening. We didn’t know a single song or artist, but it was a great day. How can you beat listening to live music under blue skies, with the ocean in the background?

A few weeks later, there was also a rodeo here. It was advertised on cardboard signs stuck to trees along the highway and was super cheap to attend, so we weren’t really expecting much. But it was a great event. We were there for over four hours with non-stop events and I’m sure it went on for hours after we left.


Yesterday, we headed into Rockhampton for the Food and Wine Festival. It was held along the waterfront of the Fitzroy river (the main picture for this post). It was a nice little event with live music and a lot of different vendors.

And the best part…we ended up with wine glasses 🙂  No more drinking wine from water glasses!


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