New Habits

Since arriving here, we have made a point of going on regular walks around the neighbourhood. We try to go for at least a short walk most days when I get home from work, and then on weekends, we will walk through the trails at the back of our neighbourhood and along the beach. The beach is actually only a 10 minute walk from here. It’s still a little surreal for me to realise that we can go whenever we like. And the views are stunning. I’m sure Rob is tired of hearing me say ‘I can’t believe we live here!’.

The landscape here reminds us a lot of Tobago with views of the ocean from the tops of hills, with lots of houses in between. It’s such a familiar scene for us that it really has made us feel at home here.

But we are also seeing a lot of things that are new. We still haven’t figured out if these hold wasps, ants, or termites…

And the tides here are crazy. It’s truly amazing how much the water levels change in a day.

There are beaches around every turn here so I’m sure there will be many more posts to come of time spent there!

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