The Manders Invasion

This is our second Christmas since moving here, but it’s our first time celebrating it in Australia. Many of our friends commented how strange it must be for us to spend Christmas in a tropical climate, but after all of the amazing Christmases we spent in Trinidad and Tobago, it didn’t feel at all strange (except we were missing the Johnsons and Chens and Rob was a little sad about missing out on garlic pork).  So for the first time in 10 years, I actually had to set up a Christmas tree. Fortunately, Rob was able to replace all of my lights – all 1500 of them! 

Just to make our first Christmas here extra special, our amazing friends came from Canada to celebrate with us. I have known Jeremy since I was about 17 and the four of us have been hanging out together for over 20 years. So really, the Manders are more family than friends. We were so excited they decided to make the massive trip here! I think the kids forgot all about the long plane ride as soon as they saw the pool.

Before the Manders arrived, Rob and I put together a little schedule of activities and tried to balance touring the area with days by the pool and beach. Even with relax time built in, the two weeks flew by. There is just so much to do around here! During the first few days, we kept the kids busy by the pool, decorating the Christmas tree, and making Christmas crafts.

Not many kids get to decorate their Christmas tree in sundresses and bathing suits!
Rob introduced the girls to an Australian tradition (all his of course!). After decorating the tree, kids get to open one Christmas gift. The girls loved their new pool floaties.
Kate busily constructing her Christmas figures.
Emily’s Christmas display.

After a day or so relaxing at home, we decided a day by the beach was needed…

Notice all the pale skinned Manders under the tent while Rob bakes in the sunshine. Fortunately they sell 50 SPF by the bucket here so the Manders were able to make it through their holidays without a burn (well, except for the arm Jeremy forgot to slather – so easily distracted that boy!!)

Mermaid Kate

We were all a little too lazy to cook so we headed to the foreshore for dinner. Lucky for us, the Christmas Carols event that had been cancelled the week before (not sure why they thought a potential cyclone was an issue!) had been rescheduled for that night so we decided to wander along the foreshore after dinner to check it out. It far exceeded anything I expected. I’m not sure why I was surprised given our past experience with community events here, but I was honestly expecting a cheesy little sing along at the beach. This event was full-on with professional singers, Santa Claus and fireworks. Now I just have to convince Rob to do it again next year when we don’t have children with us.

After a few days of sunshine and relaxation, we decided to head into Rockhampton for the day. Of course, we picked the hottest day of the entire holiday! It’s always 5 degrees or so hotter in Rocky than it is here in Yeppoon and wow, did we feel it that day! We started the day at Mount Archer which came with gorgeous views and a fabulous breeze so the day didn’t feel too hot to start.

But then off to the zoo we went and that’s when the melting began. Even Mary broke a sweat (an accomplishment in her books!). Most of the animals were hiding but for the first time ever, the Wombat decided to make an appearance.

We even saw a few monkeys 🙂

After touring the Zoo, we decided an ice cream was in order. Apparently, the lorakeets agreed.

Well, hello there!

We then wandered through the gardens hoping for some shade. The gardens are right next to Zoo but Rob and I had never been. This war memorial was gorgeous.

Even more stunning, was this incredible Banyon Fig. Banyon Figs drop roots that will begin a new portion of the tree so you end up with this massive connected tree that covers a gigantic space. Impossible to capture in a single photo but something you can stare at for hours. It was a great excuse to just rest on the picnic tables and take it all in. 

We had planned dinner in Rockhampton that night so after leaving the Zoo, we wandered the waterfront and found this great spot for a drink. The breeze was glorious.

A beautiful moon alongside the Rockhampton waterfront at night

After dinner, we took the kids to see the award winning light display on a local church. The lights were arranged to tell the story ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas’ using text, a series of pictures, and background music. It was incredible. 

Next came Soulful Sunday, Rob’s favourite day of any week. Soulful Sunday includes soul music as Rob cleans the pool, and then smokes an amazing dinner. After an hour or so of cleaning, Emily was quick to ask why there were leaves in the pool when ‘WE’ had just cleaned it. I swear I didn’t teach her that!

Dancing is a must on Soulful Sunday!
And of course a night time swim.
Soulful Sunday can be pretty exhausting! I think Kate could rival my niece Ava with her sleeping skills!

When people think of Australia, they of course first think of spiders and snakes, but next on the list is kangaroos and koalas. Although the Manders were able to see kangaroos and koalas at the zoo, a trip to Cooberrie Wildlife sanctuary let them get up close and personal with them. A perfect way to spend Christmas Eve. Cooberrie is one of my favourite spots here. It’s small and family run and you can tell they truly care about the animals. They are excited to share information when you are holding the animals, they don’t rush you at all, no matter how busy they are. The kids were super excited to hold the koala …

Koalas are the best cuddlers!

And thanks to Mary’s peer pressure, I even held a snake. Yikes! I honestly never thought I would that but they’re actually pretty amazing.

I made them promise not to put it on my head before I agreed.
The peacocks decided to put on a show for us. So gorgeous!

Even with the fabulous animals at Cooberrie, Emily claimed The Caves as her favourite spot. It is magnificent and almost impossible to capture in photos. They even let you experience cave darkness by turning off all of the lights and candles in one of the spaces. You truly can’t see your hands in front of your face. Such a strange feeling.

The girls were a bit sad Christmas morning that Santa didn’t find them here. Apparently, they forgot to tell him they would be spending Christmas in Australia and not at home in Canada so Santa ended up dropping their gifts off at the wrong house. So much for being 15 hours early on this side of the world! But Christmas wasn’t a total write off. We all did a bit of gift sharing (Rob was super happy about his Kraft dinner!) and the Manders even shared their Christmas shirt tradition with us. 

They also brought a little more of Canada to us with these Tragically Hip shirts from Bobcaygeon and a gorgeous Tragically Hip ornament they brought along from the Colavecchias (thanks guys!!).

The ornament includes all of the album names in the shape of the Canadian maple leaf. Beautiful!

And Rob finished our 19 Crimes collection and surprised me by making me one of the criminals.

In Trinidad and Tobago, the sky fills with kites on Christmas Day so Rob and I got the girls some kites. Unfortunately, it was a little too windy that day at the beach for the kites, but nothing beats a beautiful walk in the sand and waves on Christmas (or anyday!)

Even though it wasn’t Sunday, Rob spent the afternoon smoking us up a feast, with a little help from Jeremy of course!

Rob and I always talk about how much there is to do around here, most of it for free! We spent a full day down at the foreshore and didn’t spend a dime except for the fish and chips we had for lunch. The day included playing in the ocean, swimming in the infinity pool, playing on the climbers, and even jumping through the splash pad. 

The Yeppoon Foreshore
Kate and Jeremy enjoying the Infinity pool
Kate the Great…with Uncle Rob being silly as always in the background
The waterpark along the Yeppoon foreshore

 We were also fortunate to discover a few new things while exploring with the Manders. The Manders love the outdoors so we had planned walks and hikes throughout. While we had done a few of these, we hadn’t done them all so it was wonderful to see new spots and view our beautiful community from new heights. 

The view from Kemp Hill.
Rosslyn Bay
We were all amazed by the work of the tiny crabs each night. The beach was absolutely full of these little balls of sand tiny crabs had removed to dig holes in the beach.

We even discovered a wonderful pottery spot located in the middle of the rainforest in Byfield. I was happy to add to my collection and the Manders collected a few great keepsakes too. 

We spent our last day together soaking up the sun in the pool and jumping waves at the beach.

Even with the smell of food in the air, the kids couldn’t resist a little more water time

Rob and I are truly so blessed to have such amazing friends! We have always loved the time we spent with the Manders but have never spent extended time together. It was perfect. The two weeks were filled with laughter (Linda! Linda!) and memories (gotta love when the glass is half empty!) and stories we will tell over and over, I’m sure (like the one where Rob and Mary continuously lost at Euchre!). Thanks for a wonderful holiday Manders. We love you guys!  

6 thoughts on “The Manders Invasion

  1. Lovely, always great having guests for Christmas, Tommysan seems empty now with just 4 left after the 15 that were here for the holidays.

    1. Enjoy the quiet Sandra and those beautiful gardens! I hope you and Tommy had a wonderful holiday. xo

  2. So happy to read that you had a lovely Christmas! Looks like two weeks were well spent making memories and that is what’s all about. Miss you guys. Sending loads of love. XO

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