Yeppoon Triathlon

We had the experience of volunteering at the Yeppoon Triathlon on our second weekend here. It was fun to be part of such a big community event! And Rob was so happy about being able to add a new shirt to his limited wardrobe!

I was thrilled to be stationed at the open water swim. I’ve seen (and participated) in plenty of races before, and even did a mini-triathlon once, but I’ve never seen an open water swim. The idea of it actually scares me a little, so I truly admired the athletes taking this on. There were different distances and different age groups, but it was impressive to watch.

After everyone had come out of the water, we assisted near the bike portion of the race for a bit and then we were free to go and watch the athletes crossing the finishing line. I always find it so inspiring to watch people achieve such a monumental goal! It makes part of me want to give it a try myself, but I don’t ever see myself being able to conquer that open water swim. So I think I’ll just keep volunteering and cheering on all those people who do take this on.


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